Re: Asciidoctor on Slack
Posted by
mojavelinux on
Mar 29, 2016; 6:54pm
I appreciate you putting in the effort to setup the channel on Slack. My preference, however, is to use the channel on Gitter {1}, which we've been using for a while. I'm willing to reconsider that commitment if there's something that Slack gives us that Gitter doesn't.
Generally, I prefer to use this list or the issue tracker to discuss topics because those mediums encourage asynchronous communication. I've always felt very stressed out by chat (a feeling that Jason Fried captures well in this post {2}).
Putting my opinions aside, if others in the community find Gitter or Slack worthwhile for realtime communication, then I certainly support it being used. I just encourage anyone using realtime chat to bring topics to the list or issue tracker so they are captured for everyone to review.
I'm interested to hear what others think about $subject. Feel free to chime in. Helpful? Not helpful?