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Re: Is it worth refactoring asciidoctor-jruby integration into a shared library?

Posted by asotobu on Mar 15, 2013; 8:17am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Is-it-worth-refactoring-asciidoctor-jruby-integration-into-a-shared-library-tp25p44.html

Next week I will start working on it.

2013/3/15 davide.cavestro [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]>
I asked bintray guys to support rendering github README.asciidoc (Case #: 75). They replied it's on their roadmap, and hence they would also be interested into the asciidoctor-java-integration library (they would be happy to host the binaries in jcenter).

asotobu wrote
... At this time I am thinking about Jira, Spring MVC templates for static resources, or one new project called jbake.org which it is saving the distances, something that can become an awestruct like-tool written in Java...

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  Alex Soto Bueno - Computer Engineer