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Re: Virtual File System ?

Posted by LightGuardjp on Jul 25, 2013; 8:58pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Virtual-File-System-tp387p401.html

Yes, I understood this, sorry if my response didn't seem to indicate this. What I'm proposing is an SPI to allow you to create different resolvers and plug them into Asciidoctor core. That way it wouldn't have to be a file. As long as what Asciidoctor receives from this chain, hierarchy, whatever will resolve and return that resource in a way that Ruby can read it we're good. You'd need to write to whatever it is so that you can 

* register it with Asciidoctor
* have it return something that Asciidoctor can use

We could use this to resolve Files, URIs, VFS entries, bits stored in a database or other datastore.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 2:27 PM, julien [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I haven't been clear enough. The resolver is useful when Asciidoc process includes. At the moment it seems that processing an include resolves to the file designed file on the filesystem (likely resolving to a java.io.FIle with jruby). In case of Intellij, it would be resolved using the Intellij VFS.

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Jason Porter