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Re: Virtual File System ?

Posted by LightGuardjp on Jul 25, 2013; 4:59pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Virtual-File-System-tp387p398.html

Yeah, I can see includes being a little bit of a problem. Dan, sounds like we're starting to build up the need for an SPI in core.

If we had an SPI from core where it calls out to something to retrieve the referenced resources we'd be good. Of course we'd need Language X to Ruby capabilities, but with JRuby that's hardly a problem.

This also presents a possible performance hit, but it would be minor and we'd gain quit a bit from it.

On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:13 AM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I think I am missing something about VFS:

If the problem is resolving the document that is going to be rendered (in most cases transform an URI to a Reader instance), Asciidoctor-java-integration project offers a method where you can pass a Reader object, so I think that this transformation should be managed externally from asciidoctor-java-integration project, resolveResource method it is something specific of each system.

If the problem is with include keyword then from java part we cannot do anything.

Again maybe I am missing something and some changes on java part should be done.


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Jason Porter