Today has come an idea which I think that it is supported yet by Asciidoctor, and moreover it is not in AsciiDoc standard, but I think can be useful in some circumstances. I am thinking in next scenario:
Let's suppose we are writing SRS of a product, and probably I want to give them a number, for example SRS-1, SRS-2, ....
how about creating an auto increment label so for example we can create an attribute which must ends with counter:
:srs-identification-counter: 1
and then each time this attribute is used, value is incremented by one, so for example:
== Fluidic System
[cols="1,2" options="header"]
.Fluidic SRS
|bla bla bla
|bla bla bla
which will be equivalent to:
[cols="1,2" options="header"]
.Fluidic SRS
|bla bla bla
|bla bla bla
Of course there are some problems to resolve, for example what's happen when you include another AsciiDoc file that are already using the same counter, but I think can simplify of having to maintain manually incremental values, or for example defining twice.
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