Anders,There's an open issue in which we've been discussing this feature. See preference is actually an inline macro. I think inline macros are a lot easier to read _and_ is less typing.source:cypher[CREATE]Unfortunately, it's not yet possible to get passthrough behavior with inline macros, so you'd need to check for a passthrough in the content part in case it's needed.source:cypher[+CREATE (with some characters to escape in here)+]You can find some other proposals in the referenced issue. This is entirely possible to implement today using extensions...though I agree having it in core would be very interesting.-Dan--On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 4:44 AM, nawroth [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:Hi,
I'd like to use source code highlighting inline and wonder if there's a defined syntax for this already?
How about using for example: [language-cypher]`CREATE`
Is there any way to define shortcuts for the rather lenghty [language-langname] ?
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