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Re: Asciidoc and dependency management

Posted by Michael_M on Sep 27, 2015; 9:24am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoc-and-dependency-management-tp3751p3764.html

Hi Anders,

Thanks for your suggestions. I like your procedure of publishing a jar file, as that provides a clean separation of responsibilities across projects.
I also agree with Dan, regarding preview while authoring. So I'm playing with this thought:
- The sub-projects deliver the jars as Anders describes
- An author periodically runs a build command which extracts the dependencies into a .gitignore directory in his local Git repository.

In that way, the author does have a "live preview" of the documents.

More research and experimentation needed indeed. I would really like this to result into a standard (default) project and directory layout for AsciiDoc documents. This would greatly benefit the perceived maturity of AsciiDoc and the toolchain.