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Paragraph numbering

Posted by alexf on Aug 19, 2015; 9:34pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Paragraph-numbering-tp3697.html


Main question:
I'm looking for an easy way to number paragraphs with asciidoctor / asciidoctor-pdf.

Full story:
first of all congrats to this great project! I'm really impressed with what asciidoctor (and especially asciidoctor-pdf) is capable of doing!

I am working as a volunteer together with the United Nations and the Emergency Telecoms Cluster (http://www.etcluster.org/). We are providing internet access to the humanitarian community in disaster areas.

The system we're using needs to be documented well because in an emergency you don't want to lose time because of poor documentation.

I am looking to switch to asciidoctor for these documentation purposes.

One requirement we have for easy referencing individual instructions within the manual is to have each paragraph numbered.

Is there an easy way to achieve this with asciidoctor?
