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Re: Simple text with quotes rendering fails?

Posted by mojavelinux on Aug 03, 2015; 6:31am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Simple-text-with-quotes-rendering-fails-tp3563p3607.html

In this case, you'll want to double up the backticks:

"constraint on objects of type ``XXXX``"

The reason is that the double quote symbol does not represent a word boundary, so technically you are trying to monospace in the middle of a word. This type of exception is something that will be resolved once we adopt an proper inline parser. The regex-base approach misses edge cases like this. Having said that, the double formatting mark is always a quick way to make it clear what you are trying to achieve.



On Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 4:00 AM, wolandscat [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Am I wrong to think that the following text should render normally as something in quotes, where the last word (the XXXX) is in monospace?

"constraint on objects of type `XXXX`"

However if it is written with a space prior to the final double quote, it renders correctly.

"constraint on objects of type `XXXX` "

Is there some rule to do with spaces and use of more than one kind of quoting?

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