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Re: Is it worth refactoring asciidoctor-jruby integration into a shared library?

Posted by LightGuardjp on Mar 14, 2013; 6:10pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Is-it-worth-refactoring-asciidoctor-jruby-integration-into-a-shared-library-tp25p33.html

Sure go for. I'd like to see invoking asciidoctor straight from Java though and avoiding the little ruby script.

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 11:55 AM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I agree too. If we can have a jar artifact which of course internally would use Asciidoctor, and this artifact could be used as  dependency within Java project, we could develop some plugins for some applications so they can use asciidoctor too. At this time I am thinking about Jira, Spring MVC templates for static resources, or one new project called jbake.org which it is saving the distances, something that can become an awestruct like-tool written in Java.

Moreover another advantage that I see is that every time a new asciidoctor version is released, only this shared library would be updated, so Maven Asciidoctor plugin would not require any further modification more than updating pom file. (Of course if no big modification happens on Asciidoctor).

So if lightguard.jp agreed I can start a new project taking as reference the work done for Maven project to start the migration of that part of code to as an external jar.

Well we stay in contact.


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Jason Porter