This appears to be a DocBook 4.5 vs DocBook 5.0 issue. I'm not surprised that your toolchain is expecting DocBook 5.0 since the industry seems to have upgraded by now. In Asciidoctor, we cloned the DocBook templates from AsciiDoc, which target DocBook 4.5.
The quickest way around this issue is to use a custom template for the document. I'll push a file to the docbook-backends repo that you can snag. Then, you drop it in a folder and run:
asciidoctor -T custom-backends -b docbook master.adoc
You only need the templates you need to override in the custom-backends folder.
Long term, we either want to migrate the DocBook templates to take full advantage of DocBook 5.0 or create a second set of templates. I'm sort of keen on just upgrading since I don't want to maintain yet another set of templates ;)
Mid-term, I could probably get Asciidoctor to recognize -b docbook5 and just override the document template (where the XML header is added).