Posted by
graphitefriction on
Jun 06, 2013; 3:23pm
Heya Alex and custom backend gurus,
I'm almost finished editing the deckjs backend guide, but before I do a pull request (probably late Friday or Saturday) I thought I'd let y'all review it if you like. I also have a few questions.
1. I couldn't figure out how to 'split' a slide. What is the argument/syntax I should use in the document?
2. I tested out the backend attributes deckjs_theme, deckjs_transition, menu, navigation, and status, which map to deck.js modules. They all work just as Alex described. Next question, are the goto, hash, and scale modules mapped to backend attributes and/or values?
I'm also putting together a little example slideshow to show off each of these features; I'll link to it in the guide once I've finished it.
The guide is
sitting in my repository. Feel free to edit it directly.
Once we've finished this guide, I'll put together a similarly structured one for the dzslides backend.
3. Also, does anyone have any tips, notes, information, for a general 'how to create a custom backend for Asciidoctor'?
4. How about backend standards? Are there common conventions, attributes, names, etc. that a lot of the backends would share that could be agreed on?
5. Dan and I have discussed the idea of releasing the backends as a gem. Should each custom backend be its own project so that it can be updated and released separate from other backends? Should all the backends be bundled together as one gem?
Alex, thank you so much for putting together the deckjs backend README. I'd never used deck.js or a custom backend before, and I wouldn't have known how to even get started much less embed images as slide backgrounds without you help!