Document attributes replacement for docinfo files
Posted by ghillert on Jun 06, 2013; 4:23am
The document attributes feature is super-nice and works nicely for asciidoc files but it seems to not work for associated docinfo files. As I am very new to asciidoc and asciidoctor, I may miss something obvious. Anyway, let's say I use an attribute in my asciidoc file {appversion} and I pass in the attribute via the asciidoctor gradle plugin:
options = [
attributes: [
appversion: "$version",
In this case the dynamic property from the Gradle build will be passed-in and replaced correctly for the adoc file. However, when I try the same for the -docinfo.xml file (in order to set a docbook meta element) it does not get replaced.
Is there something I am missing? Any workaround?