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Re: Asciidoc syntax definition

Posted by sonson on Apr 02, 2015; 7:15am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoc-syntax-definition-tp1920p2932.html

Just as a side note:

Laika https://github.com/planet42/Laika is a good base for writing lightweight text markup parser. It already supports Markdown and Restructured Text, has many tests and works fast (actually much faster than the Markdown parser parboiled which is based on pegdown) . A JVM based extensible pandoc tool would be really cool *dream*.
Laika is based on Scala (JVM): Unfortunately there may not many Scala developers in the Asciidoctor community :-(.

More developers would be familiar with Antlr 4, which could generate code for Java and Javascript.