Re: Deck.js backend and Tilt problem
Posted by graphitefriction on Jun 05, 2013; 4:36pm
I installed Tilt (v1.4.1) and then ran:
$ asciidoctor --trace -T asciidoctor-backends/haml/deckjs deck.adoc
Which got me a new error, but this time about Haml...
So I gem install haml (4.0.3), reran Asciidoctor, and the deck.js backend worked. w00t!
How I didn't have Tilt and Haml installed already is mystery to me o_O
I'll make a note in the Guide and README that the Asciidoctor-backends repo requires the Tilt and Haml (and I'm sure Slim, I'll be trying dzslides a little later) gems to be installed.
Thank you for all your help, Jason and Alex!