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Re: Asciidoctor 0.1.3 attributes and conflict with AJI

Posted by LightGuardjp on Jun 01, 2013; 10:23pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-0-1-3-attributes-and-conflict-with-AJI-tp258p260.html

Often times while writing integration or framework code you end up doing things that aren't very clean. This is okay because the main goal is to make it easy for the end users. As long as your code is well documented and others can help maintain it, unclean code doesn't matter as much. 

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On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 12:54 PM, asotobu [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

solved, not a very clean solution but at least it works. I intercept any Map inside options and I transform to native Hash

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