Re: Editing with live preview
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LightGuardjp on
Mar 03, 2013; 6:38am
First one that comes to my mind is compass. I'm sure there are others though.
Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 2, 2013, at 21:51, "paulrayner [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <
[hidden email]> wrote:
Agreed. In fact, I want to do a whole directory
and its subdirectories too. AsciiWatcher (see the Gist I posted) does subdirectories, and I find it very helpful, especially if I'm sending the rendered html to one or more subdirectories.
I've already looked at some of the other Guard implementations and there are a wide range of options in terms of how deep I can go. I'll likely make the first pass fairly minimal (like AsciiWatcher), so we can build on it.
I'll also look into the --watch command. I like this idea. Dan, if you know of any other open source Ruby apps that have this type of switch please let me know so I can see how they've done it.