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Re: Asciidoctor launches you into digital publishing with Asciidoctor EPUB3

Posted by gour on Aug 15, 2014; 8:52pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-launches-you-into-digital-publishing-with-Asciidoctor-EPUB3-tp1683p2013.html

On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 13:21:02 -0700 (PDT)
"mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]"
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Btw, have you seen the post I made when I discovered AsciiDoc? It
> seems like we had a similar journey...except I was only using
> AsciiDoc Py back then, not Asciidoctor. If I had Asciidoctor, there
> might have been more exclamation points in the post :)

Sure. I read it and it was the major 'selling-point' to abandon idea of
possibly using reST. ;)


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