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Re: Asciidoctor launches you into digital publishing with Asciidoctor EPUB3

Posted by gour on Aug 15, 2014; 8:49pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-launches-you-into-digital-publishing-with-Asciidoctor-EPUB3-tp1683p2012.html

On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 13:06:58 -0700 (PDT)
"mojavelinux [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]"
<[hidden email]> wrote:

Hello Dan,

and thank you for your replies.

> Thanks for the words of encouragement! We're glad to have you around.
> I'm thrilled to hear that Asciidoctor is helping you make it to
> dreamland and get docs on your Kobo reader. That's exactly what we're
> hoping to achieve!


> You're helping already just by showing up, using Asciidoctor and
> providing feedback. One day, you'll see something you want changed
> and before you know it, you'll see something you want changed and
> you'll know (or learn) what to do when that day arrives.

Yeah, I think so. ;)

> Speaking of Go, I definitely want to see Asciidoctor implemented in
> Go one day. There's a prototype out there, so who knows...maybe it
> will provide something fun to hack on. See
> https://github.com/VonC/asciidocgo

It's not because I'm into Go, but I really believe that it would be perfect
match for AsciiDoctor, mostly beacuse of super-easy deployment which is, imho,
more user-friendly for not so tech-savvy users.

Personally, I'm running Debian Sid, but still do not like when/if I've to
fiddle with manually installing  (Ruby) gems if the stuff is not available for
my distro.

In a similar vein I also like Fossil DVCS being single binary - super easy
deployment although I'm aware that most of the stuff is happening @Github.

Otoh, before Asciidoctor, AsciiDoc was not conquering as today's tornado. :-)

> Thanks for being part of the group!

Thank you for encouragement!
