Gour,Thanks for the words of encouragement! We're glad to have you around. I'm thrilled to hear that Asciidoctor is helping you make it to dreamland and get docs on your Kobo reader. That's exactly what we're hoping to achieve!You're helping already just by showing up, using Asciidoctor and providing feedback. One day, you'll see something you want changed and before you know it, you'll see something you want changed and you'll know (or learn) what to do when that day arrives.Speaking of Go, I definitely want to see Asciidoctor implemented in Go one day. There's a prototype out there, so who knows...maybe it will provide something fun to hack on. See https://github.com/VonC/asciidocgoThanks for being part of the group!Cheers,-DanOn Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 7:31 AM, gour [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hello Dan,After trying for quite some time to keep Markdown and considering to use reST, I finally decided to settle on AsciiDoc and after trying Asciidoctor on my Linux machine, I'm sold out.mojavelinux wroteAsciidoctor EPUB3 is a set of Asciidoctor extensions built on the upcoming
Asciidoctor 1.5.0 release for converting AsciiDoc documents directly to the
EPUB3 and KF8/MOBI e-book formats.
Ability to quickly write using semantically rich-enough markup and to convert it to EPUB (amongst other formats) and all that without depending on DocBook toolchain is certainly part of the dream-land.
Thank you for all your work on pushing Asciidoc(tor) and providing a way to get docs on my Kobo reader.
Too bad I'm not familiar to help more - I'm not familiar at all with Ruby and learning Go at the moment, but will try to give some contribution back to the community.
http://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Asciidoctor-launches-you-into-digital-publishing-with-Asciidoctor-EPUB3-tp1683p2009.htmlIf you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:To start a new topic under Asciidoctor :: Discussion, email [hidden email]
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