Re: Asciidoctor launches you into digital publishing with Asciidoctor EPUB3
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mojavelinux on
Aug 15, 2014; 8:06pm
Thanks for the words of encouragement! We're glad to have you around. I'm thrilled to hear that Asciidoctor is helping you make it to dreamland and get docs on your Kobo reader. That's exactly what we're hoping to achieve!
You're helping already just by showing up, using Asciidoctor and providing feedback. One day, you'll see something you want changed and before you know it, you'll see something you want changed and you'll know (or learn) what to do when that day arrives.
Speaking of Go, I definitely want to see Asciidoctor implemented in Go one day. There's a prototype out there, so who knows...maybe it will provide something fun to hack on. See
Thanks for being part of the group!