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Re: AsciidoctorJ error when using in a OSGi bundle

Posted by ch007m on Jul 15, 2014; 10:21am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/AsciidoctorJ-error-when-using-in-a-OSGi-bundle-tp1910p1915.html

If the problem is that Class.forName is not able to retrieve the sun.misc.Unsafe class, then raise a ticket to jruby project to ask them that they change the code to pass a classloader as explained here : http://njbartlett.name/2010/08/30/osgi-readiness-loading-classes.html and here http://wiki.osgi.org/wiki/Avoid_Classloader_Hacks
Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard