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Re: German special Characters ( incompatible character encodings: CP850 and UTF-8)

Posted by mojavelinux on May 02, 2013; 2:03am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/German-special-Characters-incompatible-character-encodings-CP850-and-UTF-8-tp175p176.html


Thank you for reporting this issue. A similar issue was reported this morning. I decided to take action on it. I've since applied a fix (which is pending review).


Long story short, Asciidoctor was properly handling non-Ascii characters *if* the system encoding was set to UTF-8. When the system encoding was changed to something other than UTF-8 (such as US-ASCII or CP850), Asciidoctor was unable to handle a string containing a UTF-8 character because Ruby would complain the encodings are incompatible.

If fixed this problem by forcing the encoding for any input data to UTF-8 if the system encoding is something other than UTF-8. I've also made the tests around string encoding even more rigorous, so if a bug appears, the tests will fail spectacularly.

In the meantime, the workaround is to use the -E flag to explicitly set the default encoding when running Ruby.

ruby -E UTF-8 my_script.rb

This is the recommended practice for running Ruby in production. When the default encoding is set to UTF-8, non of the force encoding code will be used.

Hope that helps!


p.s. To emulate the encoding problem on any system (or test the fix), you simply set the encoding to something other than UTF-8 when running Ruby:

ruby -E US-ASCII my_script.rb


LANG=C ruby my_script.rb


LANG=US-ASCII my_script.rb

On Tue, Apr 30, 2013 at 8:49 AM, mbw [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

rendering a text with Asciidoctor, I alway get this error - only when using german sepcial characters (äöüßÄÜÖ).
If I don't use german special characters (or html-entities), all works fine.
Windows 7 / 64-Bit

CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: CP850 and UTF-8

On rendering with asciidoc - all works fine.

Any Ideas?

thanks, Manfred

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Dan Allen
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