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Re: Editing with live preview

Posted by paulrayner on Mar 02, 2013; 11:46pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Editing-with-live-preview-tp6p17.html

I see you have issues #182 and #191 that both relate to live preview. I'm interested in working on these issues.

See https://gist.github.com/paulrayner/5073777 for an example of something I've done in this area. I've been using AsciiWatcher to write my Addison Wesley book BDD with Cucumber using AsciiDoctor to do all the live preview. AsciiWatcher does the job nicely, but I'd like to do it as more of a standard solution using Guard as you suggest.

So if no one else has already claimed them, feel free to assign both these issues to me.
