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Newbie question -- attribute assignment not working under Awestruct

Posted by vdanilchenko on Mar 17, 2014; 4:26pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Newbie-question-attribute-assignment-not-working-under-Awestruct-tp1612.html

Hi guys,

I am new to the whole awestruct/asciidoctor thing, and I am starting by setting up some really basic stuff. But it seems that my attribute assignments are being ignored. Here's the relevant .adoc code:

= Top header
:imagesdir: /asciidoctor/images
:awestruct-layout: base
:toc: right
:toc-title: Sections

== Sample header

Imagesdir: {imagesdir} {toc}

But the output for imagesdir is '/images', and for toc it's blank.

The awestruct-layout setting works, however -- but nothing else does. When I compile the sample .adoc file on command line, it processes the attributes correctly (e.g. it properly sets the imagesdir attribute). Can anyone help me figure out what am I doing wrong?

My software versions:

$ gem list | egrep 'awestruct|asciidoctor'; ruby --version
asciidoctor (0.1.4)
awestruct (0.5.4.rc3, 0.5.3)
ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]

And my site.yml asciidoctor section (ripped straight out of a tutorial):

  :safe: safe
    sitename: WriteAdapt
    name: BlahName
    base_url: ''
    ctx_path: ''
    idprefix: ''
    idseparator: '-'
    sectanchors: ''
    icons: font
Thanks in advance guys!