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Re: ordered list in a table cell and image align - Asciidoctor to Docbook

Posted by rogerpt on Feb 17, 2014; 3:02pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/ordered-list-in-a-table-cell-and-image-align-Asciidoctor-to-Docbook-tp1473p1494.html

Thanks Dan. It worked, my fault I  haven't read that part in the user manual.

By the way, can you enlighten me about the position of the images?

For instance, I tried (among other option attempts) to do, but I can't manage to have the image centered in docbook.
.System Overview
image::images/system_overview.pdf[,85%, 100%,align="center"]

I expect to have something like:

<imagedata fileref="images/system_overview.pdf" contentwidth="85%" align="center"/>

Thanks in advance.