Include a custom processing step between asciidoctor and the backend?
Posted by
peterneubauer on
Dec 17, 2013; 12:43pm
Hi there,
we are trying to use asciidoctor for generating deck.js slides from our graphgists, see for the default client-side rendering with Opal.js.
Now, we are preprocessing the asciidoc and inserting pass-through blocks for som of the comments we have added in order to find them in a post-processing step and insert custom HTML functionality.
Running now server-side, we would like to do the same thing. Is there any way to insert a custom processing step between the generation of asciidoc (e.g. pulling in the includes) and handing it off to the backend (deckjs in our case)?
Right now we are running
asciidoctor -T ./asciidoctor-backends/haml/deckjs -a allow-uri-read -a presenter="Your Name" index.adoc
but when we get to deck.js templates, the comments are gone already ...
Thanks for any hints!