Recommendations for multi-page and single-page documentation
Posted by glaforge on Apr 12, 2013; 2:45pm
I'm playing with AsciiDoctor through the Gradle plugin, so I don't really yet have access to all the flags one can pass to the asciidoctor on the command-line... but hopefully, the plugin can soon expose some further configuration options -- thanks Andrés!
But I'm wondering what are the recommendations regarding outputting a big documentation in both multi-page format, and big single-page format, at the same time, hopefully without necessarily reparsing the docs twice.
Similarily, I might want to expose the documentation online on a website, but in a slightly different format standalone (in a ZIP for example). Again, does that mean parsing docs as many times as needed, to produce as many outputs with different combinations of stylesheets, javascript bits, etc?
Thanks for the advice