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Re: setting imagesdir for asciidoc articles baked with awestruct

Posted by mojavelinux on Nov 23, 2013; 3:06am
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/setting-imagesdir-for-asciidoc-articles-baked-with-awestruct-tp528p1060.html


You almost have it right. The problem is that you aren't using the correct attribute name in your AsciiDoc file. Instead of:

:awestruct-imagesdir: /features

you should have:

:imagesdir: /features

The imagesdir attribute is a native AsciiDoc attribute, not a special Awestruct attribute. The only time you prefix the attribute name with "awestruct-" (or "page-") is when you need to set a property on the Awestruct Page object.

See if that works for you. Then we can go from there.


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 3:35 AM, xcoulon [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Dan !

Sorry, I'm a bit late on this thread.
Thanks for the long explanation, but I can't get it working with awestruct-0.5.4.rc2 with asciidoctor-0.1.4.

No matter what I put in the document header or in a custom extension, the value defined in _config/site.yml is still used, even though I suffixed it with '@' as you suggested.

Here's what I have now:
- in _site/config.yml:
  :safe: safe
    imagesdir: /images@
    icons: font

- in my adoc file:
:awestruct-imagesdir: /features
image::images/features-openshift-applicationwizard-reduced.png[OpenShift Application Wizard]

in a custom awestruct extension, I specify the 'page.imagesdir' value by setting something like 'http://localhost:4242/features'

At the end of the build, the generated HTML for the images is something like:
<img src="/images/images/features-openshift-applicationwizard-reduced.png" alt="OpenShift Application Wizard">

The generated path starts with '/images/images/..', which means that the default imagesdir value from _config/site.yml was used.
Ideally, I would like to have an absolute path because the site currently deployed on github, so I need to preprend the site context (which is configured in my staging profile). This is why I was hoping to have the custom extension working.
Note: this works fine with awestruct-0.5.3 but we need to migrate to a more recent version because some users run it on MacOSX Mavericks.

I like very much the idea that a relative path should be used with awestruct while still letting github render the page and display the images, which is why I'm trying to find the right configuration.


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