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Re: Using Asciidoctor offline?

Posted by asotobu on Nov 18, 2013; 8:25pm
URL: https://discuss.asciidoctor.org/Using-Asciidoctor-offline-tp1010p1014.html

Hi, first of all thank you so much for moving to Asciidoctor.

Yes you can move to Asciidoctor being totally offline. Keep in mind that gems are bundled inside the jar, so you don't need to install it, and if you want to use the default css, you can embed it inside generated html. The only problem you will encounter is if you want to use font-awesome for example, because it requires a connection to font-awesome CDN. And the same occurs obviously if you try to embed external images. In some release we are going to add that you can also embed external images and/or external js, but I cannot say when.

Also remember that you will need to have apart of gradle plugin, the asciidoctor jar and the jruby jar, but nothing more.

In one presentation I did in Barcelona JUG I was offline I was able to run the examples, so although you can think about asciidoctor it is used mainly to be online, you can still use it offline.
