Using Asciidoctor offline?
Posted by jskovjyskebankdk on Nov 18, 2013; 1:31pm
I just came back from Devoxx where Dan Allen made it pretty clear that we need to switch to Asciidoctor :)
We currently use Mylyn's WikiText to convert Confluence markup to HTML. But WikiText appears to be dead.
Also the AST magic of Asciidoctor gets me all tingly.
However, our current doc compilation process is able to run entirely off-line. Which is important to us.
When I run a simple test with the Asciidoctor Gradle plugin, it only fetches from the Gradle-declared repos.
So I can cache those (9) dependencies in our internal repo, and not be dependent on off-site repos.
So far, so cool.
I wonder if the Ruby parts of the code downloads gems outside of my control?
Possibly in a lazy fashion, when various magic features of Asciidoc are encountered?
We run a strictly version controlled shop (with a paranoid revision control department, being a bank), and I cannot rely on the Internet to provide me the appropriate bits during the build process. Everything needs to be local and accounted for up front.
So I'd be a happy bunny if someone could assure me that we'd be able to use Asciidoctor in a strictly off-line setting.
Jesper Skov