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pom.xml example for asciidoctor-extensions-lab

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pom.xml example for asciidoctor-extensions-lab

5 posts
I've just ported the Apache Trafodion (incubating) documentation from Word to asciidoc. Quite a task.

Now, I'd like to add Google Analytics tracking to the documentation. It's been suggested (thanks!) that I use the Google Analytics Postprocess extension to implement this function. (Over using a code-passthrough block, which doesn't work well with the PDF theme.)

Problem is, I do all the building in Eclipse, which means that I need to configure the document's pom.xml file correctly. Alas, I cannot find an example for how to do that.

Please help.
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Re: pom.xml example for asciidoctor-extensions-lab

242 posts
Welcome Gunnar,

Glad to hear another project is considering Asciidoctor :)

Now, about your issue, here's a simple approach that does the work:
1· Copy the extension ruby file to yout project. For instance, into `src/gems`
2· Add the ruby extension as a required gem using the `<requires>` block. The paths can be tricky here, the dot at teh beginning is important.
3· Add the attribute `google-analytics-account` required by the extension in the `<attributes>` section.
4· run `mvn generate-resoures` and enjoy.

Here it is a full example:
jruby-comple and asciidoctorj dependencies are optional

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Re: pom.xml example for asciidoctor-extensions-lab

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Thanks a bunch.

Just to make sure: I assume that the extensions are MIT License?

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Re: pom.xml example for asciidoctor-extensions-lab

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In reply to this post by abelsromero

I tested this and it worked perfectly. If I may suggest, please add this as an example to the asciidoc pom.xml examples.


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Re: pom.xml example for asciidoctor-extensions-lab

2681 posts
In reply to this post by gtapper

On Sat, Jan 16, 2016 at 7:47 AM, gtapper [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Just to make sure: I assume that the extensions are MIT License?

Correct. I will update the repository.


Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
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Re: pom.xml example for asciidoctor-extensions-lab

2681 posts
In reply to this post by abelsromero

1· Copy the extension ruby file to yout project. For instance, into `src/gems`

I'd recommend using the path src/main/ruby instead. These are just scripts, not gems, so better that we call them by the language name.
2· Add the ruby extension as a required gem using the `<requires>` block. The paths can be tricky here, the dot at teh beginning is important.

The dot is important because it tells Ruby that the file is local and not a classpath entry.


Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen