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maven plugin keeps installing gems

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maven plugin keeps installing gems

Paul van der Maden
This post was updated on Dec 11, 2014; 7:55am.

I am a first time user of asciidoctor and so far I like it a lot. I already converted a few docs from word to asciidoc and I am really happy with the result.

I am working on a java project, build with maven and as such I followed the asciidoc-to-pdf-example to automaticly generate my asciidocs to pdf with every build. My main problem is that it keeps installing gems.

I found a way around that by letting it install outside of my target directory and let it be part of my production code. It feels a bit dirty though because when I look at some of the generated stuff like asciidoctor-pdf.bat, it contains paths of my local machine.

Is there a best practice for doing this?
I saw you released a new asciidoctorj (1.5.2) this week, but as far as I can see there is not a rubyless way for generating the docs with an already existing maven plugin or is there?

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Re: maven plugin keeps installing gems

Paul van der Maden
I figured it out :)

My configuration now looks like this:



                                <pagenums />
                                <toc />
                                <idprefix />

and it works like a charm.

Only thing not working is bulleted lists with a table cell when rendered to PDF. To html it works great.
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Re: maven plugin keeps installing gems


Note that we need to update the Maven examples to demonstrate the use of the asciidoctorj-pdf jar. If you are feeling brave, we'd be glad to have your input.



On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:47 AM, Paul van der Maden [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I figured it out :)

My configuration now looks like this:



                                <pagenums />
                                <toc />
                                <idprefix />

and it works like a charm.

Only thing not working is bulleted lists with a table cell when rendered to PDF. To html it works great.

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Re: maven plugin keeps installing gems

Paul van der Maden
Hi Dan,

I might have some time this week do this. Do you want me to submit an example project?

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Re: maven plugin keeps installing gems


That would be a huge help. If you want, you can simply revise the pdf example in that repository. Specifically:

Just switch to using asciidoctorj-pdf and cut out any references to rubygems and the torquebox repos.



On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 1:31 AM, Paul van der Maden [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Dan,

I might have some time this week do this. Do you want me to submit an example project?


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