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mailto hyperlink incorporating spaces+newlines in email body

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mailto hyperlink incorporating spaces+newlines in email body

8 posts
Hi everyone

Is it possible to include spaces and newlines in the subject and body of a mailto link? Or does Outlook just not play nice with these mailto links.

And are %20 and %0d%0a the correct syntax for spaces and newlines?

I can't seem to get the example below working...

mailto:email@url.com[Firstname Lastname,New%20query,Hi%20Firstname%0d%0aJust%20enquiring%20about...]

Thanks heaps in advance
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Re: mailto hyperlink incorporating spaces+newlines in email body

8 posts
So I've tried passing them in like this

:sp: %20
:nl: %0d%0a

And then accesses them with {sp} and {nl}

When opened in adobe acrobat it seems to have converted %20 to %2520 and %0d%0a into something long and incomprehensible.Its obviously to do with it how it parses the % symbol.

On a sidenote if I just put in a default regular space then I get a + symbol in the mailto hyperlink and it also inserts a + instead of a space in the outlook new message.
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Re: mailto hyperlink incorporating spaces+newlines in email body

242 posts
Not a proper answer but as a workarround I have been using the url format and it seems to work.
I am opening from HTML and PDF using Thunderbird.

mailto:me@mail.org?subject=Title%20with%20spaces&body=This%20is%20my%20body[me@mail.org, window="_blank"]
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Re: mailto hyperlink incorporating spaces+newlines in email body

8 posts
Unfortunately have to use Acrobat/Outlook combo. I do prefer using firefox to view them as acrobat ends up with permission errors if you still have the pdf open whereas firefox lets me keep regenerating the pdf and just have to reload.

Anyhow... thanks heaps for that it worked a treat! On a sidenote didn't seem to care whether the window option was included or not.

And for anybody else reading Outlook interpreted %0d%0a as a new line but the gmail app on my phone just interpreted it as a space.