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line break (new line) new syntax suggestion

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line break (new line) new syntax suggestion

4 posts

for line break (new line) command, one currently has to put `+` at the end of the current line.
Suggestion: why don't we use `\n`, as this is known in computer world as new line marker, while `+` confuses others who read the asciidoc source , mistaking with mathematical addition.

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Re: line break (new line) new syntax suggestion

354 posts
Are you talking about paragraph separation? The `+` continues the current block or section. You see it used in lists frequently to continue the list, but with another block within the list:

  * Item one
  Some code that will be part of the list
  * Item two

To separate a paragraph all you need is a blank line. If I'm not understanding please give me your concrete example. 

On Saturday, April 25, 2015, victor [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

for line break (new line) command, one currently has to put `+` at the end of the current line.
Suggestion: why don't we use `\n`, as this is known in computer world as new line marker, while `+` confuses others who read the asciidoc source , mistaking with mathematical addition.


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Re: line break (new line) new syntax suggestion

4 posts
No, I am talking about breaking the line so that, for example, to be able
to write the following poem:
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue"
For that, after "Roses are red ", in asciidoc one needs to put a `+`
currently (or put `hardbreak` attribute).
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Re: line break (new line) new syntax suggestion

2681 posts

You certainly have a good point. I think this is something that should be considered for the formal grammar (aka UniDoc). Could you file an issue in the following repository where we will consider / discuss changes to the syntax?



On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 5:17 PM, victor [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
No, I am talking about breaking the line so that, for example, to be able
to write the following poem:
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue"
For that, after "Roses are red ", in asciidoc one needs to put a `+`
currently (or put `hardbreak` attribute).

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Re: line break (new line) new syntax suggestion

4 posts