Sorry if this is a bit spammy...
For once though I'm not asking a dumb question! I just wanted to say a massive thanks to asciidoctor and everyone involved (particularly @mojavelinux) for this awesome project. Its taken a lot of effort but I've finally released the three books as online books (we had earlier published as interactive iBooks). Its not been straightforward. I ditched the idea of nice galleries - and I'm not advertising the ePub, PDF versions just yet due to missing video handlers
They are all here: (Click on a book - and then click on the read online link). They are big!
The bit that may be interesting to folk here is that the project is all on GitHub the 3 branches: site (which is a jekyll site), master (which is the asciidoctor files and assets), and gh-pages. Gh-pages is built by codeship on a commit - its compiling the jekyll site and the asciidoctor files (into web, pdf and ePub - but as I say I'm not advertising the latter just yet - an example though of the PDF: )
Any suggestions on improvement welcome - but really just wanted to say thanks :)