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icons customization conflicts with icons:font

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icons customization conflicts with icons:font

2 posts
I have a problem with this :

:status: {images}/icons/personal.png


Don’t know if it comes from the (great) icons:font option that I use, but
whatever icon I use, I got the NOTE one, not the dedicated one.

Thanks in advance for your help,
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Re: icons customization conflicts with icons:font

70 posts

You're right the :icons: font attribute is really awesome!

Unfortunately this option takes control over the admonition icons and converts it to the fixed element:
<i class="fa icon-note"...

As far as I can see to get your own icon into the admonition you have to set the icons attribute to anything but font and set all icons yourself:
= Test document
:status: {images}/icons/personal.png 


@mojavelinux: Would it make sense to prioritize the node attribute `icon`over the document level attribute `:icons: font`?

Cheers, Robert
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Re: icons customization conflicts with icons:font

2681 posts
I suppose that is a reasonable change. Could you file an issue to allow the icon attribute to be honored even when font-based icons are in use?

In the meantime, you can work around it by setting the icons attribute around the block like so:



:icons: font

That temporarily changes the behavior from font-based icons to image-based icons, which allows you to set the icon. If you site this example in the issue, it will be clear what we need to do to support the override without this hack.



On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 4:08 AM, Robert.Panzer [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

You're right the :icons: font attribute is really awesome!

Unfortunately this option takes control over the admonition icons and converts it to the fixed element:
<i class="fa icon-note"...

As far as I can see to get your own icon into the admonition you have to set the icons attribute to anything but font and set all icons yourself:
= Test document
:status: {images}/icons/personal.png 


@mojavelinux: Would it make sense to prioritize the node attribute `icon`over the document level attribute `:icons: font`?

Cheers, Robert

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | http://google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen