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callouts for Erlang code

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callouts for Erlang code

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I would like to use callouts for Erlang code, but I cannot figure out how to remove the Erlang comment character (%) from the output.

-module(testing). % <1>

It turns the <1> into a nice circle, but it leaves the % in there. I would like it to do the same as is done for other languages where the comment is removed from the rendered HTML.

I have searched quite a bit without finding anything.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: callouts for Erlang code

2681 posts
By default, Asciidoctor recognizes the most ubiquitous line comment characters. If the language you're embedding does not support one of these line comment characters, you can tune the line comment character using the line-comment attribute on the block.

In your case, you would set the value of this attribute to %.

-module(testing). % <1>

I noticed this detail is missing in the docs, so I will add it.

Best Regards,
