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asciidoclet table css not included

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asciidoclet table css not included

2 posts
Hi, I am trying to use asciidoclet to write my javadoc. The following is a simple table i wrote.

 * .Attbiutes
 * [width="80%", halign="left" cols="s,l,l" frame="all", options="header"]
 * |==========================================
 * |Name | Supported types | Two-way?
 * |background |Integer, Bitmap, Drawable | no
 * |backgroundColor | Integer | no
 * |===========================================

In the produced javadoc html source file. I can see some css styles being set to table row and column(e.g, class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"). However, I can't see anywhere these css styles being declared and surely there is no css styles applied when viewing these javadocs.

Thanks for the nice tool and appreciate your help.

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Re: asciidoclet table css not included

24 posts

Thanks for the kind words.  I'm not familiar with this notation, does any one else know if this notation should add to the css style attribute?  Also, what version are you using?


On 04/20/2014 03:00 AM, cheng [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] wrote:
Hi, I am trying to use asciidoclet to write my javadoc. The following is a simple table i wrote.

 * .Attbiutes
 * [width="80%", halign="left" cols="s,l,l" frame="all", options="header"]
 * |==========================================
 * |Name | Supported types | Two-way?
 * |background |Integer, Bitmap, Drawable | no
 * |backgroundColor | Integer | no
 * |===========================================

In the produced javadoc html source file. I can see some css styles being set to table row and column(e.g, class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"). However, I can't see anywhere these css styles being declared and surely there is no css styles applied when viewing these javadocs.

Thanks for the nice tool and appreciate your help.


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Re: asciidoclet table css not included

2 posts

Hi John,

Thanks. I am using asciidoclet 0.1.4. I think somehow css will have to be include into javadoc.

Cheng Wei

2014-4-25 上午11:19于 "johncarl81 [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]>写道:

Thanks for the kind words.  I'm not familiar with this notation, does any one else know if this notation should add to the css style attribute?  Also, what version are you using?


On 04/20/2014 03:00 AM, cheng [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] wrote:
Hi, I am trying to use asciidoclet to write my javadoc. The following is a simple table i wrote.

 * .Attbiutes
 * [width="80%", halign="left" cols="s,l,l" frame="all", options="header"]
 * |==========================================
 * |Name | Supported types | Two-way?
 * |background |Integer, Bitmap, Drawable | no
 * |backgroundColor | Integer | no
 * |===========================================

In the produced javadoc html source file. I can see some css styles being set to table row and column(e.g, class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"). However, I can't see anywhere these css styles being declared and surely there is no css styles applied when viewing these javadocs.

Thanks for the nice tool and appreciate your help.


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Re: asciidoclet table css not included

2681 posts
Cheng and John,

Indeed, several features in AsciiDoc rely on a little help from CSS since they pertain to appearance or layout. Tables cells are a key example. That's why Asciidoctor (and AsciiDoc Python before that) ships with a default stylesheet.

On the other hand, the fact that the output relies on CSS for styling gives a lot of control to themes. What I recommend is for Asciidoclet to provide a default theme that carries over several critical styles from the Asciidoctor stylesheet that support the syntax. I'm not sure how this theme gets integrated into the output since I'm not well-versed in JavaDoc output customization. Perhaps take a lot at other doclets and see where custom or theme CSS is stored and follow that lead.



On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 5:04 AM, cheng [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Hi John,

Thanks. I am using asciidoclet 0.1.4. I think somehow css will have to be include into javadoc.

Cheng Wei

2014-4-25 上午11:19于 "johncarl81 [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion]" <[hidden email]>写道:

Thanks for the kind words.  I'm not familiar with this notation, does any one else know if this notation should add to the css style attribute?  Also, what version are you using?


On 04/20/2014 03:00 AM, cheng [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] wrote:
Hi, I am trying to use asciidoclet to write my javadoc. The following is a simple table i wrote.

 * .Attbiutes
 * [width="80%", halign="left" cols="s,l,l" frame="all", options="header"]
 * |==========================================
 * |Name | Supported types | Two-way?
 * |background |Integer, Bitmap, Drawable | no
 * |backgroundColor | Integer | no
 * |===========================================

In the produced javadoc html source file. I can see some css styles being set to table row and column(e.g, class="tableblock halign-left valign-top"). However, I can't see anywhere these css styles being declared and surely there is no css styles applied when viewing these javadocs.

Thanks for the nice tool and appreciate your help.


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Re: asciidoclet table css not included

24 posts
I am certain that we can add css to the generated javadoc output (I just checked ;-) ).  Lets plan this for the next release of Asciidoclet:
