What is wrong with my test - slim backend

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What is wrong with my test - slim backend


Whenever I try to use the attribute :notitle: true or :notitle: false in an asciidoc file with this revealjs slim template (see my gist) the title is not displayed in the HTML page generated - https://gist.github.com/9347866?

What is wrong in my test ?


Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard
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Re: What is wrong with my test - slim backend

I continue my tests but I need your help as I'm bit confused.

The following syntax works fine if I define an attribute in my asciidoc file ':notitle: false' or 'notitle: true' but none if I define the property as attribute parameter of asciidoctor

- notitle = (attr 'notitle') ? (attr 'notitle') : 'false'

section id=@id data-transition=(attr 'data-transition') data-transition-speed=(attr 'data-transition-speed') data-background=(attr 'data-background') data-background-size=(attr 'data-background-size') data-background-repeat=(attr 'data-background-repeat') data-background-transition=(attr 'data-background-transition')

  p = "Value :" + notitle.to_s + "." 
  - if notitle.to_s.eql? 'false'
  - if attr? :scrollbar
  - else

How can I improve that code to have a by default ':notitle: false' value defined as parameter for asciidoctor command and add in the asciidoc file required just ':notitle: true' ?

Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard
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Re: What is wrong with my test - slim backend

Please refer to the document template in the slim html5 backend.


You'll notice the logic is:

- unless notitle

notitle is a method on the document node. Since "self" in a template refers to the current node (in this case, document), you can call methods as top-level functions.

Attribute values are not true / false. They are set or not set. That's why your comparison to false doesn't work. If you wanted to do an explicit comparison, see the method definition of notitle.


You would need to write as:

- no_title = (attr? :notitle) ? true : false

Though it may be less confusing to write it the other way around:

- show_title = (attr? :notitle) ? false : true


On Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 4:05 AM, ch007m [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I continue my tests but I need your help as I'm bit confused.

The following syntax works fine if I define an attribute in my asciidoc file ':notitle: false' or 'notitle: true' but none if I define the property as attribute parameter of asciidoctor

- notitle = (attr 'notitle') ? (attr 'notitle') : 'false'

section id=@id data-transition=(attr 'data-transition') data-transition-speed=(attr 'data-transition-speed') data-background=(attr 'data-background') data-background-size=(attr 'data-background-size') data-background-repeat=(attr 'data-background-repeat') data-background-transition=(attr 'data-background-transition')

  p = "Value :" + notitle.to_s + "." 
  - if notitle.to_s.eql? 'false'
  - if attr? :scrollbar
  - else

How can I improve that code to have a by default ':notitle: false' value defined as parameter for asciidoctor command and add in the asciidoc file required just ':notitle: true' ?

Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard

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Re: What is wrong with my test - slim backend

Many thanks Dan. I suspected something like that (method called in asciidoctor ;-) )

With this modification
- show_title = attr 'notitle'
section id=@id data-transition=(attr 'data-transition') data-transition-speed=(attr 'data-transition-speed') data-background=(attr 'data-background') data-background-size=(attr 'data-background-size') data-background-repeat=(attr 'data-background-repeat') data-background-transition=(attr 'data-background-transition')
  p = "Show Title : " + show_title.to_s + "."
  - if !show_title
  - if attr? :scrollbar
  - else

I can achieve what I would like to do
Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard
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Re: What is wrong with my test - slim backend

My test was false.

In fact, if I add the attribute :notitle: true in a document, the value of show_title is always false when the slim block is called and where we evaluate  (attr? 'notitle')

- show_title = (attr? 'notitle') ? false : true
section id=@id data-transition=(attr 'data-transition') data-transition-speed=(attr 'data-transition-speed') data-background=(attr 'data-background') data-background-size=(attr 'data-background-size') data-background-repeat=(attr 'data-background-repeat') data-background-transition=(attr 'data-background-transition')
  p = "Show Title :" + show_title.to_s + "."
  - if show_title
  - if attr? :scrollbar
  - else
Same result using also :
- show_title = (attr? :notitle) ? false : true
- show_title = (@document.attr? 'notitle') ? false : true
- show_title = (@document.attr?  :notitle) ? false : true

Question : Are we able to retrieve in a section block (slim) the attribute defined for an asciidoc file ?

Remark : I'm using asciidoctor 0.1.4
Charles Moulliard
Apache Committer / Technologist Evangelist / Blogger / MiddleWare Specialist
Twitter : @cmoulliard