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Validating asciidoc files with asciidoctor

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Validating asciidoc files with asciidoctor

7 posts
Hi, is there a way to simply validate my asciidoc files with asciidoctor to see if there are any syntax errors in those files. I don't really need any output, just potential errors to be reported in the output on the command line. I could just run a simple conversion into say HTML and then delete the resulting output but curious if there is any no-output option or attribute.

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Re: Validating asciidoc files with asciidoctor

2681 posts
Yes, there is a no-output option. Just set the destination file to '/dev/null'.

 $ asciidoctor -o /dev/null sample.adoc

The warnings & errors will be printed to stderr.

/dev/null is a virtual directive that tells Asciidoctor to not output anything (you don't have to be on a Unix system).

If you are using the API, you can also just convert the file to a string and just not capture the result.

Asciidoctor.convert_file 'sample.adoc', safe: :safe, to_file: false



On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 6:37 AM, m4rt1n [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi, is there a way to simply validate my asciidoc files with asciidoctor to see if there are any syntax errors in those files. I don't really need any output, just potential errors to be reported in the output on the command line. I could just run a simple conversion into say HTML and then delete the resulting output but curious if there is any no-output option or attribute.


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