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Using images in attributes

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Using images in attributes

7 posts
I want to render a table with some check and X marks as SVG images. Ideally, the images would be defined in an attribute so as to not clutter the table, something like this:
:YES: image::../images/tick.svg[]
:NO: image::../images/cross.svg[]

[options="header", cols="a"]
| Color | Red | Blue | Yellow
| Blue |{NO} | {YES} | {NO}
Unfortunately, when this renders, it shows the string value of the attributes rather than interpreting it as an image. Is it possible to use attributes with markup or is it a simple string replace?
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Re: Using images in attributes

126 posts
I got the same result. Use the inline image
 instead of the block image

Try this.

= Using images in attributes
:YES: image:../images/tick.svg[]
:NO: image:../images/cross.svg[]

== Table 

| Color | Red | Blue | Yellow
| Blue |{NO} | {YES} | {NO}

The AsciiDoc cols="a" caused each table cell to render as a row, so I removed it from the table options.
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: Using images in attributes

7 posts
Brilliant, works like a charm. Thank you, Ted!