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Using Preambel with deck.js scrambles output

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Using Preambel with deck.js scrambles output

108 posts
Hi all,

if you use a preamble together with deck.js, the preamble gets shown on every(!) slide. So, the slide content and the preamble get mixed and the content is unreadable.

Is this a bug?

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Re: Using Preambel with deck.js scrambles output

2681 posts
Very likely. I doubt the preamble has been handled / customized for the deck.js backend. Would you like to give it a try? Perhaps start by filling an issue in the asciidoctor-backends repo.

One way to address this is to create a dedicated slide for the preamble (wrap it in the correct HTML element). Another solution is to output nothing in the block_preamble.html.haml file and instead check for the presence of a preamble in the document.html.haml and weave it into the title slide or something.



On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 1:15 AM, wimalopaan [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

if you use a preamble together with deck.js, the preamble gets shown on every(!) slide. So, the slide content and the preamble get mixed and the content is unreadable.

Is this a bug?

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