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User comments with inline AsciiDoc (Ruby On Rails)

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User comments with inline AsciiDoc (Ruby On Rails)

I want to give my Users the possibility to write comments in AsciiDoc Markup language. I use AsciiDoctor in my Ruby on Rails Application. Is there any easy way to use most (or all) of the AsciiDoc Language inside a Bootstrap Site within a comment section? If i use "header_footer: true" the whole site changes its style to the AsciiDoc style. If i dont use header_footer, it just works with some stuff like h1 and em. But, for example, not with TIP or Codeblocks. It seems that there is no CSS in this gem. Maybe iam missing something?
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Re: User comments with inline AsciiDoc (Ruby On Rails)

Have you looked at asciidoctor.js? You'll still be missing the CSS unless you add it to your site, but it would allow you to easily use asciidoctor on the front end.

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 14:44 jesc85 [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I want to give my Users the possibility to write comments in AsciiDoc Markup language. I use AsciiDoctor in my Ruby on Rails Application. Is there any easy way to use most (or all) of the AsciiDoc Language inside a Bootstrap Site within a comment section? If i use "header_footer: true" the whole site changes its style to the AsciiDoc style. If i dont use header_footer, it just works with some stuff like h1 and em. But, for example, not with TIP or Codeblocks. It seems that there is no CSS in this gem. Maybe iam missing something?

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Re: User comments with inline AsciiDoc (Ruby On Rails)

Does that mean, its not possible to use "only" the AsciiDoctor Gem in my Rails Application to render some user comments (without Javascript)? Is there any documentation how i get the CSS to work in my Rails App?
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Re: User comments with inline AsciiDoc (Ruby On Rails)

Sure, you can use the gem if you want to do a full trip to the server (or use ajax). The CSS you can find in the asciidoctor repo, simply c&p that to your site.

On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 12:42 jesc85 [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Does that mean, its not possible to use "only" the AsciiDoctor Gem in my Rails Application to render some user comments (without Javascript)? Is there any documentation how i get the CSS to work in my Rails App?

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Re: User comments with inline AsciiDoc (Ruby On Rails)

Thanks! Now, i have the whole CSS in a HTML5 Style scope (inside a div). I think its a bad idea, but its working for the moment. Thank you.