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User Manual says ----, source shows ```

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User Manual says ----, source shows ```

This post was updated on Jan 26, 2018; 8:55pm.
Regarding listing blocks, Asciidoctor User Manual HTML Page shows the asciidoc four dashes:


When I looked at the Asciidoctor User Manual Page Source, I saw three grave accents.   It is somewhere around line #412.

[.rolename]`monospace text`

the following HTML is produced:

<code class="rolename">monospace text</code>

I had to look it up.  It is markdown syntax for a listing block I believe.  The generated html output looks the same whether 4 dashes or 3 grave accents.  And it appears rather than writing [source,html] in asciidoc, in markdown you write ```html.

Around line #1596, there is a section that looks like ``` (markdown syntax) can be mixed with ---- (asciidoc syntax), so the block syntax isn't matched.

Asciidoctor.convert_file 'mysample.adoc', safe: :safe
    template_dirs: %w(/path/to/original/templates /path/to/modified/templates)

Does this mean Asciidoctor has 2 ways to support listing blocks (---- & ```)?

Does this mean that the start and end of delimited blocks don't have to match?

- 20.4. Built-in blocks summary

- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.org/master/docs/user-manual.adoc
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Re: User Manual says ----, source shows ```

Does this mean Asciidoctor has 2 ways to support listing blocks? 

Yes it does. This is part of the Markdown compatibility feature. It's only intended for people who are coming from Markdown and prefer the familiar syntax.


On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 1:43 PM, asciidocuser48 [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Regarding listing blocks, Asciidoctor User Manual HTML Page shows the asciidoc four dashes:


When I looked at the Asciidoctor User Manual Page Source, I a saw three grave accents.   It is somewhere around line #412.

[.rolename]`monospace text`

the following HTML is produced:

<code class="rolename">monospace text</code>

I had to look it up.  It is markdown syntax for a listing block.  The generated html output looks the same whether 4 dashes or 3 grave accents.  And it appears rather than writing [source,html] in asciidoc, in markdown you write ```html.

Does this mean Asciidoctor has 2 ways to support listing blocks?

- 20.4. Built-in blocks summary

- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.org/master/docs/user-manual.adoc

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