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The doctor is in (the press)!

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The doctor is in (the press)!

2681 posts
In case you didn't catch them, Asciidoctor 0.1.4 release was followed up by several great articles covering it.

The first is an well-researched article written by Elliot Bentley for JAXenter.com.

The doctor will see you now:
AsciiDoc replacement gets further fixes

- http://jaxenter.com/asciidoc-replacement-gets-further-fixes-48113.html


Community member Markus Eisele did a write-up of the release for our German-speaking audience.

Der Asciidoctor macht Hausbesuche

- http://www.heise.de/developer/artikel/Der-Asciidoctor-macht-Hausbesuche-1952276.html

Here's an automated translation to English:

- http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heise.de%2Fdeveloper%2Fartikel%2FDer-Asciidoctor-macht-Hausbesuche-1952276.html


Prior to the 0.1.4 release, contributor Heiko Rupp wrote an article for opensource.com about authoring ebooks in the AsciiDoc language. The article was inspired by an earlier article that was describing the usage of LibreOffice of this.

Alternative to using a WYSIWYG editor to create an eBook

- http://opensource.com/life/13/9/create-ebook-AsciiDoc


Thanks for all the coverage! We'll keep making headlines :)

If you know of other articles, feel free to post them here.
