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Steam as input in asciidoctor-pdf

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Steam as input in asciidoctor-pdf

i'm in a situation where i need stream from a textarea to be used as input for the commandline without saving it to .adoc first. It's for security reason. Actually i need to save it first as .adocbefore getting the pdf stream as output ("-o - "options in command line). My question is : is there a way to replace .adoc input by a stream like in some native lnux command line ?
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Re: Steam as input in asciidoctor-pdf

Yes, both the asciidoctor command and the asciidoctor-pdf command support pipes and streams as input. You just set the filename to '-'.

echo 'hello world' | asciidoctor-pdf -o out.pdf -



On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 1:10 AM, reygiss [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
i'm in a situation where i need stream from a textarea to be used as input for the commandline without saving it to .adoc first. It's for security reason. Actually i need to save it first as .adocbefore getting the pdf stream as output ("-o - "options in command line). My question is : is there a way to replace .adoc input by a stream like in some native lnux command line ?

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Dan Allen | @mojavelinux | https://twitter.com/mojavelinux