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Smaller tables

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Smaller tables

Some of my tables are rather long and needing to add an extra <cr><blank line> for everyline seems excessively "white-spacey".  

Would it be possible to just use a another "|" at the end, just before a <cr>, to indicate an 'end of a table row'?
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Re: Smaller tables

Could you give us a snippet of your long table?

Then explain how adding some symbol at the end of a table row would make your table shorter?
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: Smaller tables

Here is my current table:

Pastebin Link

The table becomes quite tall just to make sure new rows are created... and I know that a trailing "|" will create a new cell on the current row... but if the only thing between the | and the end of the line is whitespace or no-space, why not have it be equal to New Row marker?

If you need to make SURE an empty cell got created at the end of a line... you might use ||<cr> to mark it.

Yeah, I'm just spit-balling because the extra empty line makes my tables taller.

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Re: Smaller tables

You don't need to double space between the rows. As long as your lines end with CRLF or LF.

Check your text editor. I have mine set to UTF-8 and CRLF

This works:

|Part     | Type      | Information  
|2N2222A  | NPN       | BJT 600-800 mA            
|2N7000   | N-Channel | MOSFET 300 mA            
|2N3904   | NPN       | BJT 200 mA                
|TIP120   | NPN       | BJT Darlington Pair 5 Amp
|220 Ohm  | Resistor  | 1/4 Watt                  
|1000 Ohm | Resistor  | 1/4 Watt
- Ted @TedAtCIS
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Re: Smaller tables

Note:  This works... but differs from the official documentation.

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Re: Smaller tables

pwillard wrote
This works... but differs from the official documentation.
I've created a PR https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.org/pull/653 to update the documentation.

- Ted @TedAtCIS