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Sections and deck.js

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Sections and deck.js

108 posts
Hi all,

how can I change the html representation of headings for the deck.js backend: all sectionlevels of asciidoc are translated into
 tags. I would like to have
 for e.g. level 3 sections of asciidoc.

Any hints?

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Re: Sections and deck.js

2681 posts
The quickest way to get a simple section heading is to add the [discrete] block style to it.

== Just a plain 'ol heading

However, I think that the backend should only be creating a section for level-1 headings. The rest of the headings (which would be slide content) should be treated normally (not as sections). It's necessary to check the level in the section template. I've filed an issue.



On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 9:37 AM, wimalopaan [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi all,

how can I change the html representation of headings for the deck.js backend: all sectionlevels of asciidoc are translated into

 tags. I would like to have

 for e.g. level 3 sections of asciidoc.

Any hints?


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