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Rendering in PDF with Maven

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Rendering in PDF with Maven

46 posts

I am looking into changing our "asciidoctor -> docbook -> pdf" tool chain to the more direct "asciidoctor -> pdf" chain. We are working with maven.

I was able to generate a pdf but I am looking how I can customise the output. How can I for instance control the paper size (A4) ? I would like to customise also header, footer, etc. I want to achieve something that has the same level finish as the Docbook output before proposing it to my colleagues.

I have read that there is a YML configuration file where quite lot of stuff can be tweaked. How can I access to that through the maven configuration ?

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Re: Rendering in PDF with Maven

2681 posts
The right way to go is the YML configuration file. It just needs to be available somewhere in the project. Though not a Maven project, you can see an example in the doc build for gpars.


You need to set the attributes pdf-stylesdir and pdf-style for it to locate the theme file.

> I want to achieve something that has the same level finish as the Docbook output before proposing it to my colleagues.

It's not going to be possible at this point to polish it to the level you can with DocBook. Asciidoctor PDF is intentionally more simple than the DocBook Apache FO PDF output at the moment. You could say that it is more opinionated...though the truth is it's just not as mature.

To really tweak the output of Asciidoctor PDF, you have to hack / override the Ruby code and that's just not something that's easily linked up with a Maven build yet. We'll find our way there, but it's going to take time.



On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 3:06 PM, Jmm [via Asciidoctor :: Discussion] <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am looking into changing our "asciidoctor -> docbook -> pdf" tool chain to the more direct "asciidoctor -> pdf" chain. We are working with maven.

I was able to generate a pdf but I am looking how I can customise the output. How can I for instance control the paper size (A4) ? I would like to customise also header, footer, etc. I want to achieve something that has the same level finish as the Docbook output before proposing it to my colleagues.

I have read that there is a YML configuration file where quite lot of stuff can be tweaked. How can I access to that through the maven configuration ?


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